
Imagine you’re planning a charity event. You have a great venue, a fantastic cause, and a committed team. What you need now is sponsors.

Sponsorship can be a key source of funding for non-profits, but it’s not always easy to find the right sponsors. That’s where A/B testing can help.

By testing different versions of your sponsorship ask, you can determine which messaging is most appealing to potential sponsors. This can help you secure the funding you need to make your event a success.

Below we’ll outline the steps you need to take to A/B test your sponsorship ask. We’ll also provide a few tips on how to get the most out of your tests.

What Is A/B Testing?

A/B testing is a scientific way of testing two versions of something to see which one performs better. In the case of event sponsorship, this could mean sending two different letters to potential sponsors, with only one small change between them, or it could mean sending two drastically different letters. Either way, it’s used to see which version garners more responses

This is an important tool for nonprofits because it allows you to fine tune your sponsorship asks and make sure that you’re speaking to the businesses that you want to partner with. It also allows you to track how different changes in your messaging might impact responses from sponsors. By targeting your messaging, your nonprofit will see greater success in finding sponsorships. 

Identifying Your Target Audience

Now that you know what A/B testing is, it’s time to get specific. Who are you trying to reach? Corporate sponsors? Local businesses? 

Once you know your target, it’s time to tailor your sponsorship ask to match. Keep in mind their interests, as well as what would be most relevant to them. If you’re reaching out to a corporate sponsor, for example, your ask might focus on the marketing and branding opportunities that sponsorship would provide.

If you’re targeting local businesses, on the other hand, you might emphasize the community involvement aspect of sponsorship. No matter who your target is, be sure to make it clear how sponsoring your event will benefit them.

Writing Your Different Letters

Now it’s time to write your letters. Start by creating two different versions, A and B. Version A is your standard sponsorship ask, while version B may be as simple as a small wording change, or it could be something more drastic and may even seem a little over the top.

One difference can be between the two letters is the tone that you use. Version A might be more formal and polite, while version B can be more casual and friendly. You may also want to try changing up some of the wording, depending on your target audience.

Once you’ve written both letters, it’s time for the all-important A/B testing. Send Letter A to half of your potential sponsors, and Letter B to the other half. This will help you determine which letter is more effective in getting sponsors to say yes.

Analyzing Your Results

Now that you’ve sent out two versions of the same letters to potential sponsors, the next step is to analyze your results. This involves measuring the data to see which letter performed better and why.

When you have established the differences between both your letters – such as length, tone, or imagery – you can compare each one’s performance. Maybe one letter had higher open rates or more clicks. Whatever it is, these are measurements that will help you determine which letter was more successful in gaining sponsorships from businesses.

It’s important to note that these results won’t always be conclusive but by taking this data into account you can understand what types of language and visuals make an impact on potential sponsors, as well as how you can better craft future letters for future events. This can help streamline your fundraising process since you already know what works and what doesn’t for your specific organization’s mission.

Crafting Your Follow Up Messages

So you’ve sent out your letters. Now it’s time to craft your follow up messages. It’s crucial to create two separate versions of each message—one for version A, and one for version B.

These messages should address what the recipient might have seen previously in the letter, and be tailored specifically to that version. If you’re curious, consider asking a simple question like “Can I count on your support?” at the end of each message. That way, you can quickly get feedback on which approach resonates best with potential sponsors.

It’s also important to keep track of each version of your letter and its associated follow-up messages and responses, so that you can compare which message works best for each potential sponsor. This will help you maximize your results when crafting future requests for support from businesses.

Best Practices for A/B Testing Your Sponsor Ask

So what are some best practices when it comes to A/B testing your sponsor ask letters?

First off, it’s important to keep track of which version of the letter is which. In addition, consider including a subject line that identifies which version is being sent (A or B). Also, make sure you clearly define the goal of the test and what you’re looking for in your results.

It’s also important to remain consistent with how you address each potential sponsor when sending each version. You want to make sure that their individual needs and preferences are taken into account and addressed. After all, the goal here is to craft an ask that speaks to their interests and goals.

Finally, be sure to give yourself enough time for analysis after you’ve sent out both versions of your ask. This could take weeks or even months depending on how long it takes for your potential sponsors to get back to you. Make sure you have enough patience as well as objective research methods in place so you can use the results of these tests in a meaningful way!


When it comes to asking businesses to sponsor your non-profit events, A/B testing can be a helpful way to see what kind of messaging speaks to them. By crafting two different versions of your sponsorship ask letter, you can test out which one is more effective in getting the businesses you want to sponsor your events. Keep in mind that even small changes in your messaging can make a big difference, so don’t be afraid to experiment!