What is Compassion Fatigue

Have you ever felt drained after helping someone? Or found yourself getting short with your friends or family when they need your support? You may be experiencing compassion fatigue. In this article, we’ll dive into the causes of compassion fatigue, how to identify it, and how to manage and overcome it.

Chances are, you know someone—including yourself—who experiences symptoms of this condition. It’s certainly not something anyone should ignore or try to power through; if left unchecked, compassion fatigue can have serious effects on our mental health. Whether you’re actively affected by it or just want to know more about it so you can help others in your life, read on for everything you need to know about compassion fatigue.

Compassion fatigue is a condition characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion leading to a diminished ability to empathize or feel compassion for others, often described as the negative cost of caring. It can arise from the demands of everyday life, such as caring for family and friends, or from exposure to traumatic experiences, such as those related to healthcare or social services. It can leave you feeling physically and emotionally drained, unable to process stress effectively, and unable to care for yourself or others.


Warning Signs and Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue

The key signs of compassion fatigue are feelings of powerlessness, apathy, hopelessness, guilt/shame, anger/irritability, and difficulty concentrating. In extreme cases, it can lead to burnout where even the most mundane tasks seem impossible. Compassion fatigue can manifest in your day-to-day life in different ways. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of compassion fatigue, so you can take steps to manage it. You may experience any or all of the following:

  • Constant feelings of being overwhelmed
  • Overwhelming exhaustion, physically and emotionally
  • Loss of motivation
  • Anger and irritability due to feeling taken for granted
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Connecting less to the work you do
  • Loss of satisfaction from work
  • Feeling like no matter how hard you work it never seems enough
  • Social withdrawal

If you find yourself experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to understand that they’re not necessarily signs that you aren’t enjoying your job. Rather, they could indicate that you are dealing with compassion fatigue. Reaching out for help and beginning a dialog about this condition is the first step on the road to recovery.


Causes of Compassion Fatigue

Compassion fatigue is a complex condition that is believed to be caused by various factors, including:

  • Emotional responses to stressful experiences. When exposed to negative or traumatic events, our brain begins to process the stress and it can build up over time. This kind of stress can lead to lowered immunity, decreased energy levels and a feeling of feeling emotionally exhausted.
  • Repetitive and constant exposure to suffering and distress. Working with people who are dealing with difficult or painful circumstances on an ongoing basis can take its toll on an individual’s mental wellbeing. If you are in a profession that involves caring for others, you may experience compassion fatigue if you are exposed to this distress over an extended period of time without any breaks
  • Burnout from lack of control over the environment or situation. This type of burnout can occur when there is a perception that the situation cannot be controlled or changed. If individuals find themselves in a situation where they do not have the ability to make changes or take action, they may become overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness and insecurity.

By understanding what could potentially cause compassion fatigue, we can work towards addressing these risks in order to prevent it from occurring in the first place.


Strategies for Prevention and Self-Care

It’s important to be aware of strategies for prevention and self-care that can help you manage compassion fatigue. Here are a few tips to help prevent it and keep it away:

Practice Self-Awareness

The first step to preventing compassion fatigue is to recognize when you’re feeling the signs. This means taking care of yourself and noticing your environment, both physical and emotional, so you can identify when you’re starting to become overwhelmed or stressed.

Share Your Feelings with Others

Venting your feelings with people close to you is a great way to stay on top of your mental health and work through difficult emotions that might bubble up due to compassion fatigue. It’s helpful to talk about your feelings and experiences because it allows us to gain understanding from the perspectives of others in our lives, allowing us space for self-reflection and personal growth.

Take Breaks

Taking breaks throughout the day is also important for both physical and emotional rest—especially if you work in a job where empathy is essential, like healthcare or social work. It could be anything from taking a simple walk around the block, grabbing coffee with a friend or spending time connecting with nature—these all help release pent-up emotions so they don’t become bottled up inside us.

Engage In Healthy Activities

To reduce stress and anxiety, practicing healthy activities like yoga, meditation or mindfulness can help keep us grounded in our daily lives. By engaging in activities that promote restful restoration of energy we can ensure we’re better equipped to face each day with courage, resilience, hope and love!


Professional Help for Managing Long-Term Effects


Speaking with a therapist is a great way to talk about your feelings and emotions without feeling judged. They can also provide practical advice on how to manage the symptoms of compassion fatigue, as well as help you identify underlying causes.

Support Groups

Support groups are another great option for those living with compassion fatigue. Attending group meetings or online forums is a good way to connect with individuals in similar circumstances, so you don’t feel isolated or alone in your journey towards feeling better.

Professional Organizations

Professional organizations and associations exist specifically to provide resources and support for those affected by compassion fatigue. Researching these organizations can help you find valuable information or guidance on managing the condition in a safe and effective way, as well as provide access to informative webinars and workshops on issues related to compassion fatigue, such as self-care practices and healthy coping mechanisms.


Benefits of Recognizing and Managing Compassion Fatigue

Do you care deeply for a cause? Are you a caregiver for someone else? It’s important to remember that your physical and mental health are important, too. Recognizing and managing compassion fatigue is key to recharging your batteries and providing the best care to yourself, those in need, and any cause or mission that matters to you.

Here are some of the benefits of taking care of yourself when it comes to compassion fatigue:

Improved Self-Awareness

By recognizing how compassion fatigue affects your life, body and mind, you become more aware of what’s going on in your life. This awareness can help you identify events or activities that could be causing burnout before they occur.


When burnout starts setting in, taking time off—whether it is an hour break during the day, an extended weekend away or full-fledged vacation—can help restore balance to both mind and body. Taking time away provides an opportunity to adjust priorities and refocus goals.

Enhanced Productivity

When feeling refreshed, there is an increase in concentration and productivity levels due to heightened energy levels. Goals can be accomplished quickly with a renewed dedication when being mindful of burnout signs.

Compassion fatigue can be managed through self-care techniques such as regularly scheduled breaks from work-related tasks; mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation or journaling; healthy eating habits; setting goals; maintaining relationships; finding joy in other activities outside of work; getting enough sleep; exercising regularly; joining support groups; seeking professional help if needed. Taking proactive steps toward self-care will lead to improved physical and mental health overall for both yourself and those around you.



Compassion fatigue is a real condition that can be managed by recognizing and addressing it. Different types of self-care are important for individuals dealing with compassion fatigue, such as physical activity, creative outlets, spending time with family and friends, and seeking professional help. With a combination of self-care, support and awareness, everyone can overcome compassion fatigue.